Latest Business Results

Overview of Business Results for the Period Under Review

(Millions of yen)
Net sales
Operating profit
Ordinary profit
Profit attributable to owners of parent
During the fiscal year ended June 20, 2023, the Japanese economy showed signs of a moderate recovery from the contraction trend of economic activities caused by COVID-19, but the situation remained harsh due to the impact of continued rising prices, as well as volatile financial and capital markets reflecting monetary tightening policies globally.

Under these circumstances, KING JIM CO., LTD. (the “Company”) has been implementing measures to achieve the goals of its 10th Medium-Term Management Plan (fiscal year ended June 20, 2022 to fiscal year ending June 20, 2024).

While further strengthening its core businesses such as TEPRA and filing tools, the Company is focusing on growth fields, such as by expanding sales of the interior lifestyle business and hygiene and health products, and expanding its business domain through mergers and acquisitions.

As for the consolidated business results for the fiscal year ended June 20, 2023, the contribution of sales by Life on Products, Inc., which was turned into a subsidiary in November 2021, and by HIM Co., Ltd., which was absorbed and merged with the Group in February 2023, resulted in net sales amounting to ¥39,393.89 million (up 7.5% year on year). In terms of profit, operating profit was ¥368.30 million (down 63.4% year on year) and ordinary profit was ¥637.27 million (down 52.4% year on year). The decreases were due to the sharp depreciation of the yen and a surge in distribution costs and others, in addition to continued higher prices of raw materials, despite the Company’s efforts to assure profitability by revising the prices of products. Profit attributable to owners of parent was ¥419.79 million (down 46.8% year on year). The decrease was due to gain on sale of investment securities through the sale of cross-shareholdings recorded as extraordinary income and settlement income in connection with the delayed restructuring of the sales distribution system.
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